Read the Acceptable Use of Technology Agreement
I have read the Student Acceptable Use Guidelines. I agree to follow the rules contained in this policy. If I violate the rules I will lose my access privilege to the District's computer online services and may face disciplinary action.
By signing electronically below, I attest that I have allowed my signature to be executed electronically, that I have read and understand the Acceptable Use Policy and that I agree to be bound by its terms.
I have read the Student Acceptable Use Guidelines. I understand that the Internet is a world-wide group of hundreds of thousands of computer networks. I agree that the School District does not control the content of these Internet networks. I understand that if my child violates the Acceptable Use Guidelines, his/her access privilege to the District's computer online services may be revoked and may be subject to disciplinary action.
By signing electronically below, I attest that I have allowed my signature to be executed electronically, that I have read and understand the Acceptable Use Policy and that I agree to be bound by its terms.